Why does Arkansas need Issue 2?
Because right now, casino licenses can be forced onto communities that don’t want them. This isn’t hypothetical: one county faces this threat right now. Issue 2 solves this problem so that NO Arkansas community could have a casino forced on it without direct local voter approval.
In 2018, an amendment was approved that created a casino license in each of four counties. Three of those counties voted for that amendment – but in Pope County, 61% of local voters REJECTED the casino measure, and for six years have fought against building this new casino.
Issue 2 fixes this problem, ensuring that neither Pope County, nor any other county, will have a casino unless local voters want one.
How does Issue 2 guarantee local control?
Two ways:
First, Issue 2 adds a local vote requirement for any new casino license(s) that might be proposed in the future, protecting every county in the state from having a casino forced on their community.
And second, it removes the Pope County casino license that local voters rejected in 2018.

Some people say Issue 2 is confusing. Why?
Generally when we vote on gambling, it’s whether to add more. But Issue 2 doesn’t authorize any new gambling, and it doesn’t affect existing casinos. What it DOES do is add an important safeguard for voters: a final vote of county residents. This is how a FOR Issue 2 vote gives local voters the final say before a new casino can be built.
Why is the Pope County license being removed?
Because 61% of local Pope County voters rejected the amendment that authorized it. Issue 2 opponents like to feature local politicians backing the out-of-state gambling interests who want to force a casino into Pope County, but when Pope County voters spoke on the license, they rejected it by a three-to-two margin.

What happens if Issue 2 fails?
If Issue 2 fails, residents of any and every county in Arkansas could face the same fate that Pope County residents would then endure – having an unwanted casino being forced into their community, and being powerless to stop it.
If Issue 2 passes, does this mean Pope County would never have a casino?
Issue 2 doesn’t preclude future constitutional amendments authorizing a casino anywhere in Arkansas, but… any casino license authorized in the future, for Pope County or any other county, would require the additional step of seeking and getting the approval of local voters within that county.

Does Issue 2 make it harder or easier for there to be new casinos in the future?
Issue 2 adds one more step to the process… approval by local voters. This stops casinos from being forced into communities that don’t want them.
You can see the ballot language below:
To see how Issue 2 will appear on YOUR ballot, you can find a sample ballot by clicking below:
Voter View is an official service offered by the Arkansas Secretary of State’s Office.